Be daring, sport some crazy sunglasses next time you go out. Sometimes, we just have to let loose and let that inner kid out. Now a days we have so many options! So many brands, so many choices, how can you choose? In the end it´s all about that inner you coming out, going crazy, feeling, you are emotion! So, what do you feel like living today? Who do you want to personify today? What personality would you like to exude? As you get ready for a party, or just to have an adventure with that special friend, make sure you compliment your attire with crazy sunglasses. Don´t miss out, be unique, stand out, crazy is in, and it´s because having fun is the key to happiness.
Crazy sunglasses
Live, love, laugh and be happy with your crazy sunglasses. They are the perfect touch to any look you want to do, go check out all the choices that are coming into a vibration near you.
Rihanna with weird sunglasses
They come in a variety of; feathers, beads, spikes, bling bling diamonds, and even snazzy fur covered crazy sunglasses. There are so many brands out there each with their own unique touch. If you want to see some crazy sunglasses check out Tatty Devine of UK or A-morir of Kerin Rose.
Eyelash Sunglasses - Tortoiseshell; Tatty Devine
Eyelash Sunglasses - Tortoiseshell; Tatty Devine
A - morir; Kerin Rose
A - morir; Kerin Rose
Imagine black rimmed sunglasses, with gold skulls lined up on the top, complete with feathers coming out, you are wearing shiny long necklaces, a snazzy outfit. The style is futuristic mixed with antiquity, your suddenly no longer that normal human you are, a modern day natural warrior. With crazy glasses you can add that boom to your personality. It´s party time, you want to be hip, crazy, you are the walking situation, the interesting vibration! There are ones with pink colored glass, studs all around, there are ones with lace and suddenly you are that suave demurer chick, you wear a pretty skirt or dress, it´s like spring, you are reminded of flowers.
Crazy sunglasses with flowers.
Crazy sunglasses with flowers.
Crazy sunglasses can also make your face a work of contemporary work of art.
Let´s say you want a new world futuristic look with a twist of old optical machines, with airs of clockworks, and gears, then Steampunk crazy sunglasses are the ones for you. Some of them can switch lens in different colors, some have gears on the side.
Futuristic sunglasses.
But it doesn´t stop there, there are some crazy sunglasses, without the glasses, they have chains coming down, or studs strategically placed to let enough light in and keep enough out. There are sonic space like bands that traverse your entire frontal face. It´s all about originality, about being fun, crazy, let loose. With crazy sunglasses you can bring different stories into your very being. Suddenly, it´s like you are not even human, no, you are suddenly a wild spirit having a human experience. Have your crazy sunglasses always around for that sidestep out of reality.