Injected Plastic Eyewear
How to Care for Your Injected Plastic Eyewear
Eyewear that is made from injected plastic is pretty affordable, but this means that you need to take good care of your glasses for added durability. Plastic in different coloured grains is fused and molded into unique shapes and can be injected with pigment or even laminated, to create a layered effect. Injected plastic frames come in a huge variety of colours, shapes, and finishes to suit the widest range of personal styles. Beware! Because they are not heat resistant, you need to avoid exposure to heat.
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Injected Plastic for Affordable Style
Style can be affordable. If you need glasses that won’t break the bank, think injected plastic. These usually monochromatic glasses are cute, trendy and inexpensive. It’s a great way to be fashionable in an affordable way.